Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wenesday 1/10

The blog site was down yesterday, so I didn't blog.

Last night was not very good. Jake finished his math test. Long story short he cheated, lied and now he's starting all over for the third time. His dad is taking over math. We are going to make a concentrated effort to get Jake ready for public school in the fall.

Today went fairly well. Jake kept his room fairly cleanm helped with some things around the house and finished his assignments.

When I left today to pick up Justice and Jael from piano and to go to the grocery store I thought it would be a good idea to give Jake something to do to keep his mind from being idle and getting himself into trouble. I set him at the table with my laptop to look over some geography lessons on National Geographic. When we got home I sat down with him and Justice to work on a language assignment. When I opened my computer to see if Jake had played around on the computer I found 59 extremely inappropriate sites in the browser History from google searches to porn. Jake lied to me several times about what he had done even after I started listing the sites.

Jake worked on a math assigment with his dad.

Jake sat down with Jeff and I and had a really good long talk. I think Jake purged a lot of junk last night and is feeling better. I hope he uses this as a turning point to draw closer to God.

1 comment:

johoffry said...

I would still like to see Jacob commenting on the blog. I try to post a comment each day. I think it would be worthwhile for him to do the same.