Thursday, January 11, 2007


Jake did his math assignment.
Jake took a shower.
Jake left the bathroom a mess.
Jake's room isn't clean, but he told me it was.

We were going over the boys language assignment and I could tell Jake had cheated. He insisted he didn't, promised, then when he had no explanation admitted to one, then another etc.

Jake did well on his math assignment.

Jake worked on his language arts.

Jake helped make dinner.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wenesday 1/10

The blog site was down yesterday, so I didn't blog.

Last night was not very good. Jake finished his math test. Long story short he cheated, lied and now he's starting all over for the third time. His dad is taking over math. We are going to make a concentrated effort to get Jake ready for public school in the fall.

Today went fairly well. Jake kept his room fairly cleanm helped with some things around the house and finished his assignments.

When I left today to pick up Justice and Jael from piano and to go to the grocery store I thought it would be a good idea to give Jake something to do to keep his mind from being idle and getting himself into trouble. I set him at the table with my laptop to look over some geography lessons on National Geographic. When we got home I sat down with him and Justice to work on a language assignment. When I opened my computer to see if Jake had played around on the computer I found 59 extremely inappropriate sites in the browser History from google searches to porn. Jake lied to me several times about what he had done even after I started listing the sites.

Jake worked on a math assigment with his dad.

Jake sat down with Jeff and I and had a really good long talk. I think Jake purged a lot of junk last night and is feeling better. I hope he uses this as a turning point to draw closer to God.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Monday, not a fun day

Jake cleaned his room because I would not let him eat breakfast until it was clean (that is a rule for everyone).

Jake had to be reminded to take a shower.

Jake was very disruptive during common classes today.

Jake did not finish his corrections last night (instead he kept bothering his brothers)

Jake was supposed to be working on his assignments and instead went into my room.

Jake helped me clean up after lunch without being asked.

Jake and Justice kept messing around so I sent them to run.

Jake kept harrassing his brother so I sent him to run again.

Jake threw a fit when I told him he needed to run.

Jake kept "pretending" to run, so I sent him to run again.

Jake hid out in the back instead of running.

Jake insists he was running even though every time someone "checked" on him he was not.

Jake worked on his school work and got his room picked up.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Janusary 7th

The past week has not been a week of progress on Jake's part. There were no days in which he kept his room clean even though he knows he will have to pass it over to a sibling because of this. Today when he told me his room was done it turned out that he stuck a pile of clothes in the sofa cushions.

Jake has not been paying much attention to his hygeine. We had another talk about it and hopefully he'll do better this week.

Jake did do very well in his first Geometry lesson today. Jeff decided to help out with school on Sundays by working with the kids in math and science. Jeff said Jake paid close attention. Jake and Justice worked on geometry and Jake also worked on a regular math assignment. He did not finish his corrections tonight.

Jake went into his brothers' room repeatedly after "lights out".

A new week begins tomorrow, I hope it goes well for him.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

back to the grind stone

We've taken a couple of weeks off because of the holidays and company, but now we are back to it. Today is Wednesday so it is a good time to start (give him only a half a week)

Jake has two weeks to "keep" his room in order. I had already given him this time and in my opinion he blew it, but his dad thinks he should get another chance. So far I've heard a lot of complaining on how he can't do it because of his siblings, who in turn argue that if he doesn't want them in his room then he shouldn't go in theirs.

Jake has not helped much today. He is supposed to be helping his siblings organize the garage and attic ( mostly Christmas stuff) but instead there has been a constant stream of complaints on Jake not helping.

Jake finally got the garage cleaned up. He ended up doing it on his own because he couldn't get along with anyone. After three times of coming and telling me it was done, it finally was.

Jake was given several chances to get his room clean today. When I left to go to the gym it looked very bad. When I got home it was in the same condition. When he realized the kids were going to be able to watch a movie before bed, he finally hopped to it, but didn't succeed until after Justice showed him what was wrong with it.

I'm letting Jake watch a movie with the kids because he took care of the garage and the Christmas stuff. -good job on that!