Wednesday, December 6, 2006

three down

Jake hasn't done much today. It's almost noon. He has eaten breakfast, walked around, watched a movie, picked on his siblings and left a couple of messes.

Jake did half a math assignment.

Jake finished a few pages in Language Arts.

Jake joined us in a geography study on New Zealand.

Jake joined us in a history/government study on women's sufferage.

Jake did not study for his science test which he must take tomorrow.

Jake did not study for his vocabulary test which he must take tomorrow.

Jake snuck his way onto the computer several times today, this is completely against the rules.

Jake continued to take food without asking and then walking around the house eating it, instead of at the kitchen table.

Jake decided to conitnue to go about the business of irritating his siblings.

Jake thought it would be funny to repeatedly entertain us with his fart fest.

Jake rearranged his room and made it relatively clean while I was at the gym. He has a knack for decorating.

Jake spent some time playing outside before bed.


Anonymous said...

Just checkin to see if this works

Anonymous said...

testing again

johoffry said...

I guess the newness of the blog is wearing off.

I recommend scoring each day with a 1-5 value, 5 being the best. I'd say today was a 2 which is definitely NOT good.

Anonymous said...

checking to see if it works this way.

Anonymous said...

If "blogs" were available in 1955, this might be what Grandpa Powers would have had on his. He would have been the same age as Jacob is now.

Larry got up at 5:30 a.m. this morning, one half hour earlier than usual. The weather report said ther would be a "rabbit tracking" snow overnight. (a "rabbit tracking" snow meant there was just enough to see a rabbits footprints) He would take his 22 rifle and go hunting to see if he could get a rabbit or a squirrel. He would skin and clean it and his Mom would cook it some day this week. After hunting, he would do his regular chores. Milk the cow and share the job of feeding some beef cattle and some pigs. If the ice in the creek was frozen, he or his sister Rose Ellen would chop a hole in the ice for the cattle to drink. If it was a real cold day, it would be kind of cozy being right next to the cow from her body heat. You would sit on a three legged stool on the right hand side of the cow while she was locked in the stanchion. It was a Holstein cow that gave about two gallons of milk. Milking a cow was difficult to learn but once you knew how, it would take about 15 minutes. If one of the barn cats came close, Larry would squirt a stream of milk at it and laugh as it ran away. The cats would get some milk in a small bowl. After chores it would be breakfast time and get ready to catch the bus for the ride to school. This was the first year that all the country schools were closed and everybody went to town in Clinton. Larry's first year in the new school he was in 8th grade. That is the same school that Jacobs mom went to 25 years later. One of his best friends was Bill VanderKooi. His daughter Kendra was one of Jacobs moms best friends there 25 years later. That was a somewhat difficult school year for him because he had been in a country school for 7 years where there were only 19 kids in the whole school. Here there were 65 kids in just the eighth grade! After school he would go hunting again, do his chores, eat supper and then maybe play a game of checkers or chinese checkers with his little brothers or sisters and always win. That year his older brother Jim was home from spending a year working for the FBI and was going to college in Whitewater Wis. Sometimes he would play a game of chess with him and always lose. Larry doesn't like to play chess now because he hates to lose. If it was snowing out, the outside light by the barn would be turned on and everone would go out and play in the snow.
That was a day in the life of Grandpa Powers in December 1955.