Monday, December 11, 2006

new day after the weekend

Jake ate breakfast and watched part of a movie.

Jake unloaded some of the dishes.

Jake worked on some language.

Jake worked on some math.

He snuck onto the computer twice.

After these two occasions I asked him what he was doing in my room. He became indignent and hollered about how he was simply watching Justice (who was on the computer).

Jake snuck onto the computer a third time, this time to play Sims.

'I asked the kids to help me bag the brush I had cut down. Jake offered to do it by himself and he did a good job.

I called Jake into the dining room so that he could fill this blog in himself. At the time he was in my room "dusting off" his Sims CD. When I started telling him what I wanted him to do (offering him the chance to blog himself) he started yelling at me, something about why am I all up in his face, he bagged that stuff by himself and now I'm all blabbing my mouth at him...hmmm, makes me wonder if maybe he was doing something he thought he shouldn't be doing. I said I would blog instead.

A few minutes later he apologized.

Jake's room is fairly clean.

Jake participated in a "haunted house" that Justice and Jael concocted.

Jake helped get things ready for bed.

Jake watched a bit of a movie which had to be turned off because he and Jeremiah were being obnoxious.

After everyone was in bed Jake got up a few times.


Anonymous said...

1950s blog
Approximately 1951.
One snowy, blowy, winter evening, Larry's mom was dividing up candy for the 6 younger Power's children. That was always quite a treat for them. That and "licking the spoon" and "finishing the bowl" that was used for making candy. Larry took more than his share of candy and his mom slapped him in the face. The only time she had ever done that. Larry got out his bow and arrows, put on his winter clothes and and said he "was running away". As he headed for the door in the middle of a snow storm he hoped his mom would say something to stop him because he really did not know what he would do once he got out into the winter storm. His mom started crying and came over and gave him a big hug and said she was sorry. Larry was very thankful for that and has thought about it many times over the last 55 years. Larry was also a big troublemaker with his younger siblings and caused his mother lots of grief through those years and his teen age years. He has thought about that for the last 55 years and wished he had acted more responsible.

"Larry the blogger"

johoffry said...

Sounds like you did well with your studies.

You need to work on not disrespecting your mother. This, as your Grandfather points out, is something you end up regretting later. Also, it is the core of your Red-Stripe for Karate.

aunt julie said...

Jake- Sometimes when I have to do something that I don't really enjoy, I set a timer. You would be surprised what you can get done in 15 minutes or so. This helps me keep focus and also lets me know I don't have to do this thing forever. If you make it into a game like "beat the clock" it becomes a challenge. You just have to remember to do a good job, not just a fast one. Maybe you could use a timer or wear a watch. Just a thought...Hope it helps. Love you LOTS!!!!! Aunt Julie