Wednesday, December 13, 2006

day after bday

We didn't blog yesterday, I reserved my right to be a bum on my birthday.


It is 11 and we are getting a very slow start on the day, ie. Nothing has been accomplished.

Jake got up around ten.

the following "blogging" done by Jacob Miller...

Jake made his bed and ate breakfast...Jake lied to me that he had cleaned his room but then confessed seconds later.

Jake got himself ready for the day.

Jake did not clean up the bathroom after he took a bath. Later he took care of his bathroom mess.

Jake decided to dry his gi thinking it would shrink.Unfortuanatley he left clothes on the laundry room floor from the dryer.

Jake got a problem set of math done.

Jake got 2 lessons of history done.

Jake reviewed his science for his science test that he will be having sometime this week.

Jake cleaned and vaccumed his bedroom.

Jake has practiced some of his guitar.

Jake was almost tempted into going on the computer earlier today while I was gone but didn't.

Jake is trying hard to get his red stripe.

Jake acted like an idiot at the dinner table.

Jake cleaned the kitchen.

Jake did not clean his room while I was gone.

Jake did not put away the vaccum after he was done vaccuming his room.

Jake read half of the twelfth book of series of unfortunate events.

Jake went walking with Justice over to our friends house to drop off and pick some things up.

Jake worked on his kata (form) for the karate tournament this weekend.

Jake did a very good job on his math today. He only got two wrong!!

Jake decided to once again get on the computer. Fortunately he was caught.

Jake cleaned up the bathroom after one of his siblings (I have no idea who).

Jake participated in Jeremiah and Judes haunted house.

Jake made a Christmas card (with money in it) for Jude.

Back to mom...

Jake's room was messy when I got in from the gym.

Jake stole the cat from his siblings.

Jake had to be told REPEATEDLY to go to bed....he kept going in his siblings room after lights out.


Anonymous said...

Someday when Jacob becomes famous, His nickname will be, Jake "the blog" Miller.

johoffry said...

Good job guys. Sounds like we're starting to make some progress.