Wednesday, December 13, 2006

day after bday

We didn't blog yesterday, I reserved my right to be a bum on my birthday.


It is 11 and we are getting a very slow start on the day, ie. Nothing has been accomplished.

Jake got up around ten.

the following "blogging" done by Jacob Miller...

Jake made his bed and ate breakfast...Jake lied to me that he had cleaned his room but then confessed seconds later.

Jake got himself ready for the day.

Jake did not clean up the bathroom after he took a bath. Later he took care of his bathroom mess.

Jake decided to dry his gi thinking it would shrink.Unfortuanatley he left clothes on the laundry room floor from the dryer.

Jake got a problem set of math done.

Jake got 2 lessons of history done.

Jake reviewed his science for his science test that he will be having sometime this week.

Jake cleaned and vaccumed his bedroom.

Jake has practiced some of his guitar.

Jake was almost tempted into going on the computer earlier today while I was gone but didn't.

Jake is trying hard to get his red stripe.

Jake acted like an idiot at the dinner table.

Jake cleaned the kitchen.

Jake did not clean his room while I was gone.

Jake did not put away the vaccum after he was done vaccuming his room.

Jake read half of the twelfth book of series of unfortunate events.

Jake went walking with Justice over to our friends house to drop off and pick some things up.

Jake worked on his kata (form) for the karate tournament this weekend.

Jake did a very good job on his math today. He only got two wrong!!

Jake decided to once again get on the computer. Fortunately he was caught.

Jake cleaned up the bathroom after one of his siblings (I have no idea who).

Jake participated in Jeremiah and Judes haunted house.

Jake made a Christmas card (with money in it) for Jude.

Back to mom...

Jake's room was messy when I got in from the gym.

Jake stole the cat from his siblings.

Jake had to be told REPEATEDLY to go to bed....he kept going in his siblings room after lights out.

Monday, December 11, 2006

new day after the weekend

Jake ate breakfast and watched part of a movie.

Jake unloaded some of the dishes.

Jake worked on some language.

Jake worked on some math.

He snuck onto the computer twice.

After these two occasions I asked him what he was doing in my room. He became indignent and hollered about how he was simply watching Justice (who was on the computer).

Jake snuck onto the computer a third time, this time to play Sims.

'I asked the kids to help me bag the brush I had cut down. Jake offered to do it by himself and he did a good job.

I called Jake into the dining room so that he could fill this blog in himself. At the time he was in my room "dusting off" his Sims CD. When I started telling him what I wanted him to do (offering him the chance to blog himself) he started yelling at me, something about why am I all up in his face, he bagged that stuff by himself and now I'm all blabbing my mouth at him...hmmm, makes me wonder if maybe he was doing something he thought he shouldn't be doing. I said I would blog instead.

A few minutes later he apologized.

Jake's room is fairly clean.

Jake participated in a "haunted house" that Justice and Jael concocted.

Jake helped get things ready for bed.

Jake watched a bit of a movie which had to be turned off because he and Jeremiah were being obnoxious.

After everyone was in bed Jake got up a few times.

Friday, December 8, 2006

times 5

Jake got his room clean.

Jake helped clean the kitchen.

Jake joined us in a geography lesson.

Jake whipped a basketball at his brother and made him cry "all in good fun" I'm sure.

Jake took a spelling test and did better than Wednesday.

Jake was not ready for his vocabulary test.

Jacob was not ready for his science test that he was supposed to take on Wednesday.

Jake goofed off from 1:30 until 3:30 and I finally yelled at him, not something I wanted to do.

Jacob has continued to use the last hour to irritate his siblings and goof off. (4:45)

Jake ate food that was intended for his father's dinner. When he asked earlier if he could eat it I told him no and I told him why. He has a lot of options for snacks, but chose this instead.

Jake says he studied for his science test.

Jake worked on his language assignment.

Jake finished Pilgrim's Progress.

Thursday, December 7, 2006


Hmmm, let's just say today has been a bit hands off on my part. Maybe my life should be on a blog, nah...

Jake is writing definitions for his vocabulary which was supposed to be done yesterday.

He straightened up his room.

He unloaded the dishwasher.

He watched a movie even though we told him again last night this was against the rules (I was taking a friend to drop off her car)

He read part of Pilgrim's Progress.

He stole chocolate from his dad.

He accidentally threw his brother's sweatpants in the garbage. (I only noticed because I was pulling out of the driveway and there they were with the stuff he had thrown out)

He cheated on his spelling test, said he didn't, acted indignent when I called him on it, including repeatedly slamming his door, shoving his paper in my face and screaming that he didn't cheat.

Jake later came and appologized for cheating and lying about it.

Jake helped clean up before I left this evening (had to do something for a friend)

It's late and the kids are in bed so I don't know what else was accomplished today.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

three down

Jake hasn't done much today. It's almost noon. He has eaten breakfast, walked around, watched a movie, picked on his siblings and left a couple of messes.

Jake did half a math assignment.

Jake finished a few pages in Language Arts.

Jake joined us in a geography study on New Zealand.

Jake joined us in a history/government study on women's sufferage.

Jake did not study for his science test which he must take tomorrow.

Jake did not study for his vocabulary test which he must take tomorrow.

Jake snuck his way onto the computer several times today, this is completely against the rules.

Jake continued to take food without asking and then walking around the house eating it, instead of at the kitchen table.

Jake decided to conitnue to go about the business of irritating his siblings.

Jake thought it would be funny to repeatedly entertain us with his fart fest.

Jake rearranged his room and made it relatively clean while I was at the gym. He has a knack for decorating.

Jake spent some time playing outside before bed.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Day two

Jake intended to get his room clean before breakfast, he was actually working at it, but Jeremiah poured milk into his cereal so he's eating breakfast now. I have to go to the bank and stop by the store to get groceries for dinner, so the morning should be interesting.

Jake worked on some math while I was gone this morning, he also worked on creating a comic book.

Jake's comic book is coming along nicely.

Jake attempted to help with some extra things today.

Jake asked me if it was all right for Justice and Jeremiah to go to the neighbor's to play. He left out that he was going as well. When I mentioned that he left out the part where he asked if he could go he said he thought he did... this type of "lying" has been an on going issue.

Jake worked a bit on a math assignment.

Jake's room is looking more like a closet than a bedroom.

Jacob went to karate class tonight and said that his instructor told him she saw some really big improvements.

Jacob did not have his light on when I went to bed, hopefully it isn't on when his dad leaves in the morning.

Monday, December 4, 2006

First Day

Jeff suggested I keep notes on the day as it progresses, so here it goes. Jake made an attempt to make breakfast this morning, didn't turn out too well, but he made an attempt. He does very well with bacon and eggs, but not so well with cream of wheat. He went out of his way to help out with chores this morning. One of the difficulties Jake has is doing "other things" instead of doing the basics that need to be done each day (perhaps he gets bored with reality, I understand that). He also helped his sister clear off our dining room table. This was a big deal for is the first time in five plus years that my dining room table hasn't been "set". I'm thinking I need to give it up so we can have more room for daily class work.

Jake helped Jude with her school work.

Jake left Jude to her work on her own which he was asked specifically not to do as she is working on the correct form of writing skills.

Jake worked on his bible work this morning for karate, of his own accord, that's great.

Jake decided that in addition to the lunch that was made for him and all the snacks he is allowed that he would eat my food as well. I did not have lunch today.

It's almost four and Jake hasn't done any school work today.

Jake took meat from the fridge, sat down on the "no kids allowed" sofa and left a hunk of it for someone else to clean up.

Jake continued to irritate his siblings while they were trying to do their school work.

Jake offered to help Jeremiah find his "once again" lost school book.

Jake worked on his poster for describing a word class and even though this first attempt was not according to concept, (He described a specific word instead of a word class) he is indeed very brillaint at drawing comic heroes.

The house was not destroyed when I got home tonight.

Jake understands the concept of describing a word class through visuals.

Jake tells me that he did a lot of language:the twenty something page in language today.

Jake set the kids down with a movie while I was out and Jake played with the kids while I was gone.

Sunday, December 3, 2006


This is not Jacob Miller, but Jacob Miller's mother and I will be posting "A Day in the Life of Jacob Miller" hopefully each and every day for quite awhile. We are using this blog as a tool for Jake to be able to look back over the course of time and see how his life choices and accomplishments have progressed. Jake is thirteen and his father and I feel it is time for him to start taking control and responsibility for his own life and the outcome of his education, responsibilities and life in general. So, starting tomorrow evening I will be sitting down each night and going over the decisions and the outcomes of those decisions in Jake's life. Some will be good and some will not. We will see how it all turns out at the end of each day. Good Luck Jake!!